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Mammalia girovagando alla scoperta dei mammiferi visite guidate tematiche al museo naturalistico di asiago 5 e 6 novembre 2022

Sunday, November 6, 2022, from 10:00 to 12:30 and from 14:30 to 18:30, the Patrizio Rigoni Naturalistic Museum of Asiago organizes a thematic guided tour at the Museum entitled: "Wandering around the Plateau to discover expanding or endangered mammals".

Porcupines, mice, mustelids, bats, ungulates! how are our micro and macro mammals doing? Between anecdotes and scientific notes we will visit virtually all the ecosystems of the Plateau with a particular focus on mammals and their expansion or decline!

On the occasion of "M'ammalia 2022: Between green and red: mammals in expansion or in danger" with this thematic visit / trip will be observed at 360 ° the fauna and flora of the Plateau of the Seven Municipalities with a particular look at the various mammals that live there discovering if they are expanding, decreasing, or simply if they follow the natural cycles of population dynamics.


This thematic guided tour will be held in the halls of the "Museo Naturalistico "Patrizio Rigoni" and can be requested at any time directly at the desk.

Recommended age: the whole family.

Cost: 5 euros full, 3.5 euros reduced

Operator: Varotto Matteo – Doctor in Forest and Environmental Technologies

Reservation not required


"M'ammalia" is a set of annual events coordinated by the Italian Teriological Association and organized by scientific and cultural institutions (naturalistic museums, botanical gardens, libraries), protected natural areas and associations, with the aim of making mammals known, their characteristics, the ecosystems of which they are part and their conservation problems.

This year we have reached the xiv edition, and the theme is "Between green and red: mammals in expansion or in danger".

For more information or reservations you can contact the Naturalistic Museum of Asiago by clicking the appropriate buttons below:

All rights reserved.

Information and registration contact the Museum Patrizio Rigoni pressing the buttons below.


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