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Meeting on the return of the Wolf and of large carnivores on the plateau, Asiago, April 12, 2017

Wednesday 12/4/2017 at 20:45

Il lupo e l'Altopiano - Incontro ad AsiagoAs Environmental and nature Guides, along with David Berton of the Scientific Committee of the CAI and Enrico Ferraro of the Working Group on large carnivores in the Eastern Alps, Asiago Guide has come up with an evening of study on the topic of "the Wolf and the plateau. To understand the return and the impact of large carnivores in the territory":

It is a cross evening, that is irreducible in terms 'pro Wolf"or"anti Wolf", but as a macro group"pro territory. " Association members Asiago Guide are in fact aware that the protagonists, in our mountains, are the people who live here, their associations and economic realities which permit the existence.

The evening-debate on the theme of "Wolf" will be held at theAula Magna of the elementary schools of Asiago on 12 April 2017, at 20.45 hours.

We would like to clarify that the Conference is conceived as anopportunity for deepening on the return of large carnivores, with insights to understand its biology with Dr. Zovi and then put an emphasis on the impact on our reality with Dr. Farkas, so as to assume the management of problems. The argument, as you well know, is extremely topical and claim responses nate from the study of animal and their repercussions, in order not to give rise to birth and spreading of false information or falsified, or worse, to appropriate behavior.


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