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Meeting with the Director Marco Segato, Cineghel arsenide, December 27, 2016

Tuesday 27/12/2016 at 20:45
Locandina la pelle dellorso marco segato

Presentation of the new film "bear skin" by Marco Segato, Cineghel arsenide, Asiago plateau

Tuesday 27 December 2016, at the Cineghel of Gallium held an interesting meeting with Director Marco Segato.

The talented Director will be present at the screening to present his new film "bear Skin", the story of Dominic and his father Peter who, to support his family, accepts the dangerous wager offered by his employer to kill the bear that threatens the small village in the Mountains where they live.

The meeting will start at 20.45 hours.


A team headed by the firm hand of the Director, so adept at delegating to the excellence, as in giving them the line to follow. The result is a solid and cohesive film that manages to tell with elegance and parsimony passing power and skills that must be made between a father and son, built through mutual stalking that occasionally also involve a bear (very well filmed), functional to the making of a man, or maybe even two.


Marco Segato (Padua, 1973) graduated in literature at the University of Padua with a dissertation on Martin Scorsese and attended the master of documentary at the Scuola Civica di Cinema di Milano. In 2007 he was Assistant Director to the film by Carlo Mazzacurati the right distance.
He collaborated for several years with the production company Jolefilm puppies which he made 2 documentaries. In 2008 he directed videos de Sergeant by Marco Paolini, and in 2009 than I thought it was Bach, concert-spectacle of Mario Brunello. In 2011 the film documentary Now stops the wind. It collaborates with theUniversity IUAV of Venice and artistic director of Euganea Film Festival and Detour, traveling film festival.

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