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Metamorfosi dell'anima incontro con Gaspare Mutolo a Canove di Roana

On Saturday, December 9, 2023, the Multipurpose Arena, Canove di Roana, will be the scene of an event of great impact, included in the program of "Bintar Zait" - winter time". 

The Pro loco Canove presents "Metamorphosis of the Soul", a meeting and debate with Gaspare Mutolo, a collaborator of justice known for his path of redemption expressed in particular through art.

The life of Gaspare Mutolo is a story of profound transformation. From his affiliation with Cosa Nostra, including murders and extortion, to prison and repentance, his story is a powerful testimony of the path towards justice and personal redemption. 

The event, which will begin at 8:45 p.m., will offer the public the rare opportunity to hear directly from Mutolo his inner journey, a real "metamorphosis of the soul". 

The debate, which will follow the meeting with the author, will allow participants to deepen the topics covered, touching on aspects of great relevance and social interest.

The event will be free of charge, subject to availability.

In addition, starting at 3:00 p.m., the Palazzetto Polifunzionale di Canove will host an exhibition of Gaspare Mutolo's paintings, visual testimony of his personal and artistic journey. This exhibition is a further demonstration of his metamorphosis, showing how art can become a powerful medium of expression and change. 

The Pro loco Canove once again confirms itself as an attentive promoter of initiatives that enrich the cultural and social fabric of the area, bringing events of national importance to Canove.


Discover also the other events in Canove!

For more information you can contact the Pro Loco Canove by clicking on the green button below.

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