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Military Memorial-Historical-Literary guided hike Saturday 31 October

Saturday 31/10/2015 at 10:00
Guided excursions
Sacrario militare

Historical hike with Guide Altopiano di Asiago-"The War Memorial and the rebuilding of Asiago"-Saturday, October 31

REVIEW the HISTORY and literature IN PLATEAU

"Le Stagioni di Giacomo": Mario Rigoni Stern

"In the spring of 1932 he began work on the monumental ossuary on the Hill in front of the c.da Laiten where still there were the ruins of the houses which were not rebuilt. Country boys were always on that Hill climbed to their games and their fathers (...)

A summer day up engineers and surveyors arrived accompanied by the podestà and the Secretary of the beam. Technicians with poles, ropes and metrics they watch Theodolites, measuring, write. It was right there on the Hill, that the authorities in Rome after proposals, discussions, examinations, inspections had decided to build the monument that was to house the remains of many fallen heroes on the plateau for the salvation of the fatherland. And so you destroyed many cemeteries between the serene meadows and forests to make that big bow in Imperial style.

Meeting scheduled at 10.00 to Sacario Asiago military

Duration of the guided tour: 1:30

Difficulty: Easy


Adults: € 6,00

Children up to 6 years, disabled and handicapped: free

Reservations: Click the button below! Sign up for our news letter!


Mountain or trekking boots, long pants, anorak, hat and sweatshirt.


Moving with your car.

The Association "Plateau" first Association of guides of the plateau, consists of local guides who operate on the territory of Altopiano dei Sette Comuni by 2008.  Site membership by members of the group ensures an intimate knowledge of the proposals and a deeply respectful approach towards the environment and its history. Our guides are mountain professionals recognized and enrolled in the province of Vicenza; they propose to accompany busloads of people driving tours and excursions in the territory, as required by regional law n. 33 of 11/4/2002 and according to the laws of the professional bodies of which part.

All rights reserved.

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