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Mountain fair: Highland guides await you at the fair at Bassano Expo

Dal 26/11/2016 al 27/11/2016
Guided excursions
Altura fiera Montagna

Fair with the theme of the mountain with guides Altopiano di Asiago-"Bassano Expo: the great war and sporting activities between the plateau and the Grappa"


The Guides Plateau at Altura: everything for the mountains, invite you to participate in order to enjoy a fair entirely dedicated to the mountain.

Saturday afternoon is scheduled a conference with debate on the part of our guides entitled: the great war and sport activities of 7 municipalities and Monte Grappa

In addition, throughout the day, you can make our orientation activity:

After a brief introduction on the use of the material and the reading of the map, children/family will be given a map of the fair Pavilion where they can move around reading the map, hunting of checkpoints (white Orange lanterns) located within particular points of the fair.

Us "Plateau" we are the first group of professional guides of the plateau. We are local guides who operate on the territory of the Altopiano dei Sette Comuni since 2008.  Membership to the site by members of the group ensures an intimate knowledge of the proposals and a deeply respectful approach towards the environment and its history. Our guides are mountain professionals recognized and listed all'albo della Provincia di Vicenza; aim to accompany busloads of people hiking and tours around the area, as required by regional law No. 33 of 11/4/2002 and according to the laws of the professional bodies of which fan part.

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