Mountain Festival March of 2014-33ª Huts at Caltrano, Asiago plateau, the August 3
Sunday 3 August 2014 near the Alpine Hut Bar in Place Puddle dantzler to Caltrano, Asiago plateau, will host the 2014 mountain Festival - 33ª Marcia almenweg.
The event is organized by Pro Loco di Ferrara.
MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL PROGRAMME 2014-33ª Marcia almenweg
• Hill-country March 6-12 path-26 Miles through the beautiful landscapes of the caltranesi mountains with their departure and arrival from Pozza dantzler
• Rich food stand with dumplings, mixed Grill with multiple contours, the craft beer Birrone!
• Throughout the day children's playground with bouncy, view bonsai and plants typical of the mountain
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