Sunday 13/7/2014 at 18:00

OOBART the sheep of Foza Becomes art, July 13, 2014 Foza, Asiago plateau
Sunday 13 July 2014 from 18.00 hours at the Museo Foza, Asiago plateau, will take place the inauguration of the event OOBART the sheep of Foza Becomes Art, where you can enjoy excellent meat and cheese tastings, visit thesheep show and dance to the rhythm of music with Balt Huttar.
OOBART Sheep PROGRAM of Foza Becomes Art
• Tastings in the square of dried meat, sheep's cheese and related products
• Participation of wool weavers
• Exposure of sheep in the Paddock
• Award ceremony of the competition with exposure in front of the Town Hall and in the square opposite the Church of the statues made by the artists (about 15)
• Approximately 22 Hours of folk music Concert with Balt Huttar (c/o Hotel hope terrace)
• The Museum projecting a video (ca. 15 min) on the use of wool in art
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