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Libro Oscar Farinetti

Friday, August 25, at 17:30 at Piazza San Marco in Enego, Oscar Farinetti presents "E' nata prima la gallina... maybe - 52 stories about optimism and its opposite, about people, food, wine, life and love" (ed. Slow Food).

52 stories, written one a week throughout the year by the author and to be read, depending on whether you want to devour them or savor, in a short time rather than dilated. They are pages that tell famous events and personalities (from Garibaldi to Caesar, from Napoleon to Mbappé, from Manzoni to Socrates, from Kant to Kafka) from a completely different perspective, from Leonardo's optimism towards the unfinished that reminded him of the importance of trying more than making it, to Manzoni's crises in the face of the drafts of The Betrothed, also typical of optimists. 

The great characters are mixed, however, with everyday figures (peasants of the Langa fenogliana, postmen, talking chickens) that suggest how optimism can be a lifestyle choice for everyone, in wealth and poverty. A choice, one might say, of happiness.

"Unlike what most people probably think, true optimists often use the word maybe. It means that they are not sure if they can make it (as it should be) but they certainly try."

The meeting is part of the exhibition "Aperitif with the author".

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