Dal 14/12/2013 al 27/4/2014
Photo exhibition "landscapes in transformation" to Asiago, from 14 December to April 27, 2014
At Asiago, from December 14, 2013 to April 27, 2014, will host the photo exhibition "landscapes in transformation".
The exhibition of works will take place at the water Museum site at locality Kaberlaba.
The exhibition, created by a stimulus of writer Mario Rigoni Stern and naturalist Patrizio Rigoni, wish to highlight as many corners of our territory have changed over time (50 years).
Opening hours: every day from 26 December to 5 January, from 10:00 to 12.30 and from 14.30 to 18:00.
At other times: Saturday 14.30-18:00, Sunday 10.00-12.30 and 14.30-18.00
SATURDAY 14.12.13
17.30 HOURS
Welcome guests
Introduction of Marzio Muraro
The public works of twenty years of ' plateau 900
Mauro Varotto, Professor Geography Department, University of Padua, Editor, with Patrizio Rigoni, of the book "The seven Municipalities Plateau"
The case of little Red Riding Hood: the plateau between tourist construction and reforestation
FRIDAY, 03.01.14
17.30 HOURS
Awards ceremony 8 Edition "award for the environment Osvaldo Armellini" Claudio Rigon, author of "Captain Michel sheets" and "Passed Present" on photographs of Bonomo of war cemeteries
From: KaberlabaAsiago basin in panoramic photographs of war. In comparison with today's landscape.
SATURDAY 25.01.14
17.30 HOURS
Claudio Rigon, From Monte Katz: la conca di Asiago in panoramic photographs of the war. In comparison with today's landscape.
SATURDAY 22.02.14
17.30 HOURS
John Abrami, formerly Professor at IUAV Venice, author of several books on environment and landscape "the great water route: from the plateau to the springs of Valstagna. Towards the 6th site of cultural and environmental heritage of UNESCO in Veneto"
SATURDAY 22.03.14
17.30 HOURS
Daniele Zovi, Regional Commander of the State Forestry Corps the forest is in continuous transformation.
SUNDAY 27.04
17.30 HOURS
Cinzia Zonta, Chairman CommitteeAdopts a terracing in the Brenta Canal"
The experience of recovering 100 terraces in Budapest.
Conclusion project "Small land" a film by Michele Trentini and Marco Romano (54 min.)
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