Play " a Midsummer night's dream William Shakespeare ", Friday June 1, 2012, Asiago
Friday June 1, 2012, at the Palazzo del Turismo Millepini to Asiago, the play "a Midsummer night's dream" a cura dei ragazzi dell ' Istituto Superiore di Asiago.
The show will begin at 21:00 hours and entry will be ' free and open to all.
A Midsummer night's dream (' A Midsummer Night's Dream) is a comedy by William Shakespeare written around 1595.
It is not certain what has inspired the plot, although some ideas are found in classical literature; for example, the story of Piramo e Tisbe is told in Ovid's Metamorphoses, while the Bottom's transformation into a donkey is taken from the ' gold ' ass of Apuleius d-two literary works that Shakespeare may have studied in school.
In addition, more or less in the same period in which this comedy was composed, Shakespeare was writing Romeo and Juliet, and it is possible to detect the plot starring Piramo e Tisbe a reworking in the comic tragedy.
The play presents three stories interwoven, interconnected by the celebration of the marriage of Theseus, Duke of Athens, and Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons.
Two young Athenians, Lysander and Demetrius, are both in love with the same woman, Hermia; This ' last loves Lysander, but her friend Elena is in love with Demetrius. But the father of Hermia, aegeus, forces her daughter to marry Demetrius. Then she flees with Lisandro in the Woods, followed by Helena and Demetrius, but are lost in the dark and in their dalliances.
Meanwhile, Oberon, King of the elves and his wife Titania, Queen of the fairies, come in the same forest to participate in the upcoming wedding. Oberon wants to use the Indian servant of Titania to make his page, but Titania will not and he squeezes the juice on the eyes of Ruby flower Cupid, which makes you fall in love with the first person you meet on awakening then do give Indian servant you, therefore, is no longer interested.
At the same time, a bunch of craftsmen, to celebrate the marriage, wants to stage a popular representation on the theme of Piramo e Tisbe, meets in the forest for testing. Among them is Nick Bottom the Weaver, one of the most respected comic characters of Shakespeare.
Oberon hires Puck, also called Hobgoblin or Robin Goodfellow, for aid in his intent. In addition, having seen Demetrius and Helena sperduti nel bosco, orders Puck to squeeze the juice magic on the eyes of Demetrius to fall in love with Elena, but by mistake Puck squeezes the juice on the eyes of Lysander who wake up Elena sees and falls in love deeply, much to the chagrin of Hermia.
But Puck also has time to make a joke at the Bottom, who discovers that his head was transformed into that of a donkey. It will be the first person to Bottom where you fall in love with Titania, his awakening, because of the ' effect of Pansy.
At this point, Oberon, Titania, meets that released his purpose, agrees to disband from the ' spell. Puck then re-arrange things, including the head of the poor Bottom.
Oberon also noticing the error of ' Puck, puts the juice on the eyes of Demetrius. So now both Lisandro Demetrius run behind Elena accapigliandosi between them. Oberon orders at the end of Reseat everything between Puck lovers. Puck then descend a fairyland forest mist on the four boys are asleep. Then use the rose of thought to ensure that Lysander loves Hermia again. So now everything is in place: Oberon and Titania are reconciled, and the four young are two pairs.
These are found asleep at the edge of the forest the next day by Theseus, who is quick to prepare the wedding. The news of the upcoming three marriages in turmoil, including workers Athenians who were trying the comedy in the Woods, but are without the main character of their comedy: Piramo, which was to be played by Bottom they had abandoned in the woods with his head d ' ass: morale is down. Fortunately, the protagonist enters the scene at this very moment of despair back from the Woods, and urges the colleagues to prepare for the show.
The Palace, Theseus, despite warnings of Toastmaster, choose their own show (Piramo e Tisbe) argues that something offered with such goodwill cannot be refused.
At this point the show into the show: the artisans bring a clumsy version of tragedy, making the comic thing (" feeling the face of my Mind ... " " I see the sound of your voice ..."), which is also a character in the lion's role, one in the Moonlight and another in a wall (!). The legendary performance of the ' craftsman Francis Flute, who plays (in a totally unique) the role of Lady Thisbe.
The opera concludes with ' Puck that enters the scene and says that if the show doesn't liked to the public, this can pretend to have stayed, and can thus consider the show as a product of dreams, and that if you let go, Puck will do fine.
(Source Wikipedia)
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