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Presentation of the book "Along the boundary" at Asiago, December 18, 2015

Friday 18/12/2015 at 20:30

Locandina seguendo i cippiFriday, December 18 at 20.30 hours at the Union Hall Montana Dear Regency 7 Communes to Asiago, there will be the presentation of the book "Following the boundary-history, nature, geology, archaeology, traditions and curiostità" by thehistorical and Cultural Association "From Brenta to Ortigara" of Enego, in collaboration with the CAI section Asiago 7 Comuni.

The book, a fascinating journey through history, nature, geology, archaeology, traditions and curiosities of the regions of Veneto and Trentino, told through stunning color images and insights, will be presented by the curators Egidio Fountain and Fabio Waxed.

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