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Presentation of the book "down there between the iron" of August 24 in Asiago-2018 Nicodemus Gentile

Friday 24/8/2018 at 17:30
Nicodemo Gentile

Cultural encounter with the author Nicodemo Gentile in Asiago


Friday 24 August 2018, at the central stage of Asiago, there will be a presentation of the book "down there between the iron-life stories, stories of inmates", with the author Nicodemus Kind.

The meeting will begin at 17.30 hours and will be an opportunity to learn about the author and his new work.


Strange stories of life behind bars, slices of everyday life often dramatic, that the content of the book. With the technical skills that derive from his profession, the author gives us a very accurate picture of the situation prevailing in most of the inmates in our country to try to figure out who has multiple perspectives of free life, those who can't absolutely to adapt to daily hardships, who has lost all hope or who doesn't want and doesn't know how to resign themselves to what he believes a profound injustice. Are events ranging from the acceptance of one's own existence in a fideistic approach to religion or, unfortunately, the suicide attempt. Behind all this pain, however, there is a need for the inevitability of incarceration and sentence and there is the conviction that only the social rehabilitation of the convicted person (that does not mean lighter penalty or shorter) should drive the logic of those managing the prisons of a Civilized country. The author's voice alternates with that of prisoners, as Jeana pain, Manuel Winston Reyes, Angela Biurikova, Carmelo Musumeci, describing their judicial history, but life and time in jail.

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