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Presentation of the book "feed your Heart" at Linta Park Hotel, Asiago-July 15, 2017

Saturday 15/7/2017 at 17:30

Presentazione libro "Nutri il tuo cuore" ad Asiago Saturday, July 15, 2017, at the of Asiago will take place the presentation of the book "feed your Heart" of Dott. David Terranova, cardiologist and nutritionist.

From 17.30 hours, your doctor will talk about health and fitness and will present the contents of his book, which is the first Italian text which is scientifically the correlation between nutrition and heart.

In addition to the author, during the meeting also will address the chef Ruggero Frank, an expert in food choice.

An appointment to learn more aboutnutrition and healthy eating habits to follow to safeguard the health of the body , especially the heart.


In this book, written by a cardiologist, nutritionist, nutrition and heart, based on current scientific evidence Sun. Is meticulously evaluated each individual nutrient consumption daily, in reference to the health of the cardiovascular system, to demonstrate its role in major heart and vascular diseases: heart attack, stroke, hypertension or arrhythmia. Demonstrates how underlying all these diseases there is one: theatherosclerosis, or chronic inflammation of the arteries present in the majority of us already from an early age. We know today that this disease has an amazing correlation with the "medicine" that assume each day: the food. "Medicine" because food cure, but it can also be harmful. Learn about its mechanism of action provides a policy more choice and awareness in order to effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases. At the bottom of the volume are summarized and detailed blood tests required to verify the real state of health of the heart and arteries.

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