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Presentation of the book "My Eyes Have Seen" in Asiago - 17 July 2019

Wednesday 17/7/2019 at 17:30
Presentazione libro "I miei occhi hanno visto" ad Asiago

Giorgia Miazzo presents her new book to Asiago

Wednesday 17 July 2019,at the Council Hall of the AsiagoTown Hall, will be held the presentation of the book "My eyes have seen" with the author Giorgia Miazzo.

The lecturer and journalist will present her new work, which tells 45 trips to discover theworld, through the Americas, Asia and Africa.

The presentation will begin at 5.30pm.


My eyes have seen is a work that leads through theexperiences and stories collected over 25 years of itineraries overseas made of travels, sensations, stories, looks and encounters. Accurately, brilliantly and intensely, this publication recounts experiences, discoveries and knowledge in unspoiled nature, in rural areas or in large cities, different peoples in culture and traditions. From markets to cities, from tribes to marine paradises, from the valley of temples to plantations, on a journey around the world. The topics covered in the first person are short articles that address topics of particular interest, illustrated with photographs and notes written during the miles traveled, picturesque or enchanted places through stories of everyday people, communities and travellers.


Giorgia Miazzo was born in Padua. She is a lecturer, interpreter and translator, writer, journalist and group leader. Her passion and sensitivity combined with the mastery of some languages, have led her to confront Italian communities abroad and to shape the enormous cultural, human and professional baggage collected in her anthropological and linguistic research carried out Brazil and the Americas. My eyes have seen is his last book and belongs to the project Singing in Talian - One-way trip to the Mèrica, which intends to enhance and promote the identity, culture and wealth of Italian communities in the world.

All rights reserved.


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