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Presentation of the book "the bang of the Epiphany" by Giovanni Rattini-August 9, 2017

Wednesday 9/8/2017 at 20:45
Rattini - Il botto dell'Epifania

John Rattini presents his book "the bang of the Epiphany" in Gallio

Wednesday, August 9, 2017 appointment in Council Chamber at Gallium for the presentation of the book "the bang of the Epiphany" by John Rattini.

The author will talk about his work, taking the audience with anecdotes and curiosities really interesting, from 20.45 hours.


There are not only new year's barrels. Those, sooner or later, they saw, heard or blow them all. There is also a bang of epiphany that, clearly, have heard only a few but which, in fact, didn't see anybody. What's happened at dawn on 6 January for having awakened with a start humans and animals were all curiously, for a few minutes, with the nose? An ancient fairy tale as its characters, a modern history of interference that may reflect the small but mostly adults.

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