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Presentation of the book "the last days" by A. Darius at Strong Corbin, in Treschè Conca-12 August 2018

Sunday 12/8/2018 at 15:30
Gli ultimi giorni di A di Gilio

"The Fort with the author"-A. Darius presents his work "the last days-the Armistice of Villa Giusti. The victory. The end of an empire "

Sunday 12 August 2018, at Forte Corbin, in the territory of in Treschè Basin, there will be the presentation of the book "the last days" by A. Darius, published by Gino Rais Publisher.

The meeting will start at 15.30, in the beautiful and picturesque setting of the Fort.

Free event


The narrative of the negotiations leading up to the Armistice of Villa Giusti and events who preceded him, to show that the victory of Italian weapons was indeed crucial to the fortunes of that war as a whole, where it could drag on for several months, even with unexpected developments. And demonstration-where there were needed, once more-that in those last days of war shone the soundness of mind and spirit of sacrifice of men, before even that the soldiers, who also for opposing part and almost towards the end they behaved with ind omito value and high sense of duty, while in the final moments of an authentic and bustling tragedy. Also during the denouement, consumed in the rooms of an ancient noble villa at the outskirts of Padua.

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