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Presentation of the book "the letter unveiled" al Forte Corbin, in Treschè Hollow-July 15, 2017

Saturday 15/7/2017 at 16:00
La lettera svelata di giglio pianezzola

Presentation of the book about the great war by Alberto Leonardo Pianezzola and Lily, the Altopiano di Asiago

Saturday 15 July 2017 at the Strong Corbin of Conca in Treschè will take place the presentation of the book about the great war "the letter unveiled-Monte Ortigara 19 June 1917", edited by Alberto di Giglio and Leonardo Panicker.

It's an interesting historical-cultural encounter in which, from 16.00, the authors will present their work, set right on theAsiago plateau and more specifically on the Monte Ortigara in the year of the battle of 1917. Adolfo Ferrero, second lieutenant of the battalion Val Dora, he wrote the suicide note and will sent the family a few hours before the Battle of Ortigara, June 18, 1917.

The letter by Adolfo Ferrero

"Dear parents, I write this letter in the hope that there is no need for you to arrive. I can't do without. The danger is grave, imminent. I regret if you don't stick to you these moments of freedom, to give you a final farewell. You know that I hate rhetoric ... No, no, it is not rhetoric that I am doing. Feel me life claiming his share of the Sun; feel my over-the-Hill, presagisco a glorious death, but ugly.
In five hours here will be hell. The Earth will tremble, he darkened the sky, a thick Haze will cover everything and rhombuses and explosions will resonate among these mountains, somber as the explosions that at this moment the same feel in the distance. The sky became cloudy: rain. I would like to tell you many things ... a lot ... but You can you imagine. I love you all, all ...
I'd give a treasure for your review ... But I can't ... My blind fate does not want. I think in the last few hours of apparent calm, to you, father, to thee, mother, who occupied the first place in my heart; to you, Beppe, innocent child to you, Nina ...
What shall I say? I miss the word: an odds of ideas, a jumble of happy and sad ghosts, a grim foreboding take away the expression ... No, No, don't be scared. I'm not afraid! I feel touched, thinking of you, as I leave, but I know to show strong before my soldiers, calm and smiling. Moreover they too have a very high morals.
When you receive this letter, of fuel delivered from a good soul, do not weep. Be strong as I knew how to be. A son died in the war never died. My name remains engraved in the hearts of my brethren; my military outfit, my trusty gun (if you will be delivered), jealously preserved, are a testimony of my glorious end. Our Lady of the chapel of Monte Lozze, is holding the black feathers ", symbol of the fallen in battle Mountain
And whether ventura I earned a medal, remains the one to Joseph.
Or parents, you talk, in a few years, when they will be able to understand you, to my brother, me, died at the age of 20 for the fatherland. Talk about them do me; strive to awaken in them the memory of me. ..
That is a painful thought to be forgotten by them ... In ten, twenty years, maybe they won't know more me had brother ... To you I turn. Pardon, I beg your pardon, if I hurt you, if I have given sorrows.
Believe it, it was not out of malice. My inexperienced youth made you endure the troubles: Please forgive me ...
Perusal of this earthly life I'm going to enjoy that good that I think I deserved it. To you, father and mother, a kiss, a kiss just to say all my affection. Beppe, Nina another and a warning: remember to your brother. Sacred is the religion of the dead. Be good. My spirit will be with you always. To you I leave all my substance. It's a small thing. I though that by you jealously preserved.
Mommy, Daddy lascio...il my immense affection. Is the memory more estimable I can them leave. Aunt Eugenia, the silver Crucifix; to my uncle Julius, my Golden Madonna. The will certainly lead. My uniform to Beppe as weapons and my robe. The wallet (l. 100) leave it to Batman. A fiery kiss of affection from your Adolfo "

Adolfo Ferrero, now rests with the military shrine of Asiago.

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