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Presentation of the book "Tutti giù per terra" by Giovanni Rattini in Gallio

Tuesday 9/8/2016 at 20:45
Tutti giu per terra Giovanni Rattini

Meet the author: John Rattini on the Asiago plateau on August 9, 2016

Tuesday, August 9, 2016 in Gallio, the writer John Rattini will present his book "Tutti giù per terra" at 20.45 in Council Chamber.


"Giro Giro tondo, casca il mondo, casca la terra; all down to Earth. "

Joyous rhyme but also painful metaphor for life. So cheerful and noisy at first as discharged, indolent and suffering the second.
On the one hand, the songs and the shouts of joy of small and large share the carefree, soundtrack of light moments that end helping each other up off the ground, the other the noisy silence of people for lost opportunities or never had, for the inscrutable life's setbacks are morally, economically and physically on the ground, invisible and voiceless boxers often knocked for having taken over as many have managed to give, forced to get up counting solely on their weak forces rather than someone who can, or will, extend a hand to help them get back on their feet.


John Rattini was born in Padua , where he lives and works. Graduate in political science, has always been close to the world of volunteering and interested in social issues, and worked in various capacities with various associations operating in the area.
For the publishing house CLEUP published "once upon a time the Highland ... Train travel, stories and memories along the railway" (2008), "several" (2010), which was the basis for a theatrical reading entitled "a train, a suitcase, memories and poetry", "COISLHA thirty years in thirty stories" (2010) and "Dreams in the pedal. Giuseppe Pancera and the bicycle"(2012).

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