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ASIAGO CHOIR Sing of war "Interrupted Dream" Asiago August 20

Tuesday 20/8/2013 at 21:00

Rassegna "Sogno Interrotto" ad Asiago: il 20 agosto il Coro Asiago in concerto con canti popolari e di guerra"Broken Dream" in Asiago: 20 August Asiago choir in concert with folk songs and war

From 14 July to 20 August 2013, at the piazza D'Armi di Forte Interrupted, will take place the exhibition SognoInterrotto.

Tuesday, August 20the hours 21.00 concert of Choir Asiago: folk songs and songs of war. An evening dedicated to songs that have strongly influenced the way of rethinking the vicissitudes of Mondial Warand in the collective imagination and in popular culture. Entrance € 5,00 presale at Tourism Office I.A.T the Asiago plateau.

In case of bad weather the events scheduled on July 21 July 14 and August 20 will take place at the Palazzo del Turismo "Millepini" of Asiago, while 13 August concert will be held at the Church of s. Rocco (Asiago); the times remain unchanged. Events scheduled for Sunday, August 4 and Sunday, August 11 will be instead returned to date (no later than August 31, 2013), a date that will be announced on the official facebook page of review, on "Altopiano di Asiago" and by loudspeaker in the city centre.


SognoInterrotto is an artistic Festival to promote cultural events in one of the most evocative sites of war present in the plateau area and wants to be the first appointment of a journey aimed at valorising the plateau ahead of the 100th anniversary of Italy's entry into the war during the first world war, a way to continue and renew in the next few years with initiatives and events focusing not only in summerseason.

The exhibition includes six events and takes place mainly in afternoon time in four Sundays and two Tuesday, straddling July and August; will begin Sunday, July 14, while the final event will take place on 20 August.
The events offered will intersect different Arts, to meet a diverse audience and to dress up the place d'armes of the Fort as a continuously changing: the classical music will alternate the Theatre, then the Photo and the rumors of a mountain choir.


The Fort can be reached by car from the Centre of Camporovere following Via Monte Interrupted, by paved road (first part) and track (last part). Cars may be parked in the vicinity of strong or in plots placed along the road that climbs towards Mount Stopped, but due to the low availability of parking spaces is strongly advised to walk the Fort starting from Camporovere (estimated time: 50 min-1:0).

Forte Interrotto Asiago


I.A.T Altopiano di Asiago,
piazza g. Carli, 56 – 36012 Asiago (Vi)

Facebook: sognointerrotto/Altopiano di Asiago

The exhibition is organized by the municipality of Asiago and the Pro Loco Asiago and Sasso, in collaboration with Asiagofestival, Associazione culturale ConAltriMezzi, photo Club, choir, Asiago Plateau and with the support of the Cassa Rurale e Artigiana di Roana.

Programma Rassegna Artistica Musicale Sogno Interrotto a Forte Interrotto, Asiago - Luglio e Agosto 2013

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