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San rocco asiago rievocazione storica

Saturday, July 16, 2022, at 11:00 am, in Asiago  at the Church of San Rocco, will be held the historical re-enactment of the Cimbri Federation 7 Municipalities A.P.S. in memory of the events of July 9, 1809, when the Plateau rose up against the French impositions demanding freedom and autonomy.

After the first successes against the French army, which was forced to abandon the Plateau, the enemy reaction was harsh and immediate: with the use of artillery Napoleon's troops regained control killing two thousand highlanders, including women, the elderly and children. Only in Asiago venero killed 70 people, whose bodies were hung from the trees to demonstrate the defeat of the Cimbri.

The event will start at 11:00 am at the Church of San Rocco.

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