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Paolo gaspari mobilitazione femminile nella grande guerra

Thursday, August 4, 2022, at the Forte Corbin in Treschè Conca di Roana, there will be a literary meeting with the writers Paolo Gaspari & Paolo Pozzato who will present their latest book: "Female mobilization in the Great War".

The event "Scrittori al Forte Corbin", organized in collaboration with the Libreria Giunti al Punto di Asiago, will start at 15:30 and is free of charge


The mobilization of civil society during the Great War was essentially the mobilization of women. It represented the greatest test of popular participation and civil cohesion overcome by Italians in their history. In that war, in fact, the peoples who managed to be more cohesive and participate in the exploits of the soldiers at the front won. The Italian population, the latest arrival among the European democracies, showed an operational capacity that very often made up for the organizational shortcomings of the State, for example in the protection and assistance of minors and in hot food on the line of fire. Women left homes and domestic roles and entered en masse into economic and social life. Female protagonism had an acceleration and a diffusion that pervaded all the social classes of the North as well as the South. Not only godmothers of war and intellectuals belonging to the elites, but also women of the petty bourgeoisie and the popular classes: teachers, mothers of families for the care of the children of the recalled, women recruited for military work at the front or in the cities in the fabric recovery laboratories, in the Opera scaldarancio, wool, protection of minors, etc., and then actresses, the spies, the doctors. A history that was missing in the historiography of the war which, among other things, was experienced as the conclusion of the unification of Italy.

Paolo Pozzato, professor of history and philosophy, is an independent researcher in the field of military history, with particular reference to the First World War. Member of the Italian Society of Military History, he works on the scientific committees of various national and international conferences. He is a member of the Ortigara Project on the recovery of the historical heritage of the First World War on the Vicenza Prealps. He has published dozens of books, collaborating in particular with historians Paolo Gaspari and Mario Isnenghi and providing significant contributions to the historiography of the Sassari Brigade during the First World War. He is a consultant to the General Staff of Defense on issues of military history. He also works as a translator, focusing on the memorials of Austrian and German fighters in the Great War.

Paolo Gaspari is an Italian publisher and historian. Sociologist and bookseller in Udine, he is known for having founded the publishing house Gaspari Editore, of national distribution, and as a historian, in particular for his contributions on the battle of Caporetto and on many other insights on the theme of the Great War.

For more information you can contact Fort Corbin by clicking the green button below:

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