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Selvatichiamo - educational walk at Il Cason delle Meraviglie - 20 August 2021

Friday 20/8/2021 at 09:30
Teen and Children
Posseggiata nel bosco Cason delle Meraviglie

Walking in the woods in the footsteps of animals

Friday, August 20, 2021, from 9.30 to 12.30, Il Cason delle meraviglie di Treschè Conca offers a truly informative and fun educational experience for families and children:"Selvatichiamo".

Yes you will go for a walk in the woods to hunt for clues and traces of wild animals... With open ears and hawk eyes you will learn to observe, listen and smell the forest,which could tell us about many, many lives.

This will be followed by a creative workshop.

Cost: 8 € each

The activities will take place almost exclusively outdoors and in compliance with all the safety protocols for the Covid health emergency required by the regulations and guidelines of the time of carrying out the activities.

For information and reservations contact the Cason delle Meraviglie by clicking the buttons below:

All rights reserved.

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