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Skyscape serata di presentazione del progetto ad Asiago

The European Skyscape project comes to life and begins the practical phase of interaction with the territory. Tuesday, October 26, 2021, at 20:30, in fact, the Millepini Theater of Asiago will be the setting for the first meeting with tour operators in the area.

An opportunity to present to hoteliers, restaurateurs, environmental guides, IAT and other Associations the project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Interreg V – A Italy – Austria 2014-2020,which sees Asiago as a protagonist together with Cornedo all'Isarco (BZ), Talmassons (UD) and Tiroler Umweltanwaltschaft (an Austrian government body aimed at environmental defense and protection).

Several interventions are planned during the evening aimed at dealing with the main issues related to the project:
- The Skyscape project: towards a new type of experiential tourism
Municipality of Asiago
- Opportunities for operators in the tourism sector
Confcommercio Vicenza - Asiago district
- Astrotourism since 1999
Asiago Astronomical Pole
- The rediscovery of the dark: experiential walks and snowshoeing under the sky of the Plateau
Environmental Guides
- Some examples of opportunities offered by astrotourism: the Astrovillage of Cornedo all'Isarco
ITS Tourism Foundation - Asiago Headquarters
- Communication actions: social media, website and newsletter
Municipality of Asiago

The aim of this meeting is to provide a complete vision of the project, so as to allow local operators to better understand the potential deriving from the creation of a tourist product linked to the observation of the sky. Fundamental for the development of this new type of tourism is the collaboration with the ITS Academy Turismo Veneto Foundation,thanks to which analysis and design activities of the tourism product will be carried out, through the direct training of future operators in the sector and the involvement of local stakeholders.

This first meeting will be followed by a series of events in which interested operators will be able to work on the planning of their offer in order to create a synergy betweenastrotourism and the excellence of the territory, increasing its attractiveness and competitiveness both nationally and internationally.


In 2021 Asiago becomes a stellar tourist destination thanks to the Skyscape project,funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Interreg V-A Italy – Austria 2014-2020, of which it is a partner together with Cornedo all'Isarco (BZ), Talmassons (UD) and the Tiroler Umweltanwaltschaft, an Austrian government body aimed at defending and protecting the environment.
This project foresees, in particular, the development of astro-tourism as a tourist product linked to the observation of the sky. At the same time, the Skyscape project aims to carry out an awareness campaign on the theme of light pollution,which increasingly represents a threat to man and the environment, as well as preventing the observation of thestarry sky intended as a collective heritage to be preserved.
That of placing the observation of the sky as an attractive element for tourists and enthusiasts is a road already traveled by some places, both Italian and foreign, with excellent results. From this point of view, Asiago and the whole territory of theAltopiano dei Sette Comuni have such characteristics to be able to place themselves as an astro-tourist destination of excellence. Not only the distance from large urban centers (combined with the ease of reaching the territory), but also the presence of two of the most important astronomical and astrophysical observatories on Italian soil.

For more information or to book your participation you can contact the IAT Office of the Municipality of Asiago by clicking on the buttons below:

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