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Sawa sawa spettacolo acrobatico a Canove di Roana

Sunday, August 29 , 2021, the edition of the CuCu Festival 2021 ends in Canove di Roana with an extraordinary and exciting show of acrobats.

To perform will be the company "THE BLACK BLUES BROTHERS" with an acrobatic show of individual jumps, in pairs and in groups and human pyramids entitled "Jungle Show".

The show will start at 18:15 and will be held at the Palazzetto di Canove.


Individual jumps, in pairs and in groups, human pyramids that reach five meters in height, large masks that become shields used in ritual clashes to the sound of impressive leaps, numbers with fire.

Jungle Show is a tightrope walking party that ironically reinterprets the myth of African exoticism by playing with stereotypes (starting from music, chosen between archaic suggestions and pop hits) to transform them into spectacular solutions in which the boundary between the imaginary and the real fades, and what remains is only the wonder and fun in front of the extraordinary acrobatics of these artists.


The CuCu Festival is the "International Festival of Street Art" traditionally organized by the Municipality of Roana in its hamlets, which consists of traveling showsthrough the woods and meadows with jugglerspuppeteersfire magiciansacrobatscomedians and much more!

Street artists of all kinds will enchant you with their magic tricks, their sensational performances, their comedy, in the evocative panorama of the Plateau of the Seven Municipalities.

For more information you can contact the Pro Loco of Roana by clicking on the buttons below:

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