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Strong night interrupted with short stories and live music for Hoga Zait-July 21, 2017

Friday 21/7/2017 at 20:00

Forte Interrotto

Friday, July 21, 2017, at 20.00 hours, meeting at Strong Interrupted for an engaging evening of music, Tales and tastings of typical products of theAltopiano dei Sette Comuni, on the occasion of the festival cimbro Hoga Zait 2017.

At the former barracks of Monte Interrupted, you can taste some of the most delicious typical products of the plateau, while the folk music of the group "Old grape-shot" will animate the atmosphere.

During the evening, also, Paola Hammer will illustrate the history of the Cimbrian population with interesting stories.

At 23.00, then, you will return to the country with the traditional torchlight.

Free subscriptions and mandatory at the headquarters of the Pro Loco by 12 of 21 July.

Serata al Forte Interrotto con Vecchia Mitragli e Paola MartelloOLD GRAPE-SHOT

The group is a small acoustic orchestra formed around the Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina in San Michele all'Adige. The band plays in theArea Trivenetazone extending from Bagolino, in the province of Brescia until Chishinau in Moldova. Two fiddles, two guitars, a clarinet, a double bass, accordion, a drum is everything a group for playing melodies of mountains, smooth and more.


Paola Hammer, native of Roana, on theAsiago plateau, now lives in Vicenza. Daughter of Umberto Hammer Martalar, author of the Cimbrian language dictionary, which passed on his interest in the traditions of his homeland. Among others, he published the book of legends C'era una volta ... ISTA gabest an Botta, Meadow Woods seven times seven times.  Books/game fable painted in game of 40 cards – legends and tales of the plateau and Fabulando with the 56 cards-legends and fairy tales in the Dolomites.

Illustrated books, competitions and regional conferences on legends and fairy tales. He has exhibited his paintings in numerous exhibitions.

All rights reserved.


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