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"The occurrence of August 8" to Camporovere of Roana, Asiago plateau

Saturday 8/8/2015 at 20:30

Ricorrenza a Camporovere di Roana"The occurrence of August 8" to Camporovere of Roana, Asiago plateau

Saturday, August 8, 2015 at Roan's Camporovere, at the Piazzaetta August 8, we are celebrating the 71st anniversary of a historic date for the fraction: the8 August 1944, during the Second World War, the Nazi-fascists burned 74 houses of the fraction of the Asiago plateau.

Were stopped thanks to the parish priest of the time which was able to convince German soldiers to stop their destructive intent.

Today, we celebrated the courage of the people of Camporovere, who with determination has been able to recover and lead his country to glory it deserves.

To complete the evening, a small refreshments and live music.

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