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"The salad bar was in the garden"-treasure hunt and playground al Cason Wonderland-7 July 2018

Saturday 7/7/2018 at 09:30
Teen and Children

Outdoor activities for kids in the Cason Wonderland, Asiago plateau

"The salad bar was in the garden" is a fun activity organised by Cason Wonderland for Saturday 7 July 2018.

Children will discover tastes and knowledge, through a treasure hunt extra special! Have fun with colors and products from the land and dell' orto and through evidence game engaging, will discover the wonders of the land.

Each with their own "creation" and his character then tells his story, sharing with friends and family of moments of pure fun

Activity fee:

  • €6 half a day
  • €12 full day

Activities start at 9.30 am and by appointment

All rights reserved.

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