Dal 19/6/2014 al 15/7/2014

View Plateau des merveilles with Roberto Costa and Mario Rigoni Stern's words, in Padua from June 19 to July 15, 2014
Thursday, June 19 was opened in Padua, in the new Cultural Center San Gaetano di Via Altinate 71, the view on theAsiago plateau 7 Comuni Plateau of wonders.
The exhibition will run from June 19 to July 15 (closed on Mondays), from 10.00 to 19.00 hours.
admission free
These are pictures taken by photographer Roberto Costa, who were accompanied by the words of Mario Rigoni Stern in the book released in 2004 entitled, precisely, the plateau of wonders.
Until 15 July, in the heart of Padua, you can admire a piece of mountains of Mario Rigoni Stern, you can capture the most intimate, poetic and mysterious, that tell us about the life of mountain huts in the high mountain, the Alpine meadows and forests of the animals.
A working life the images collected for this show, a patient's life and endless stalking to spy and find the spectacle of nature and of life which still renews itself every day in the mountains of the plateau of the seven municipalities.
Roberto Costa of every lawn, each forest, every nook and cranny of knows the secrets because there was night and day, with the Sun and rain. There he took thousands of photos. Long waits for seizing the moment, the moment, the right light. Always alone. Spying with the body on his back in the snow, camouflaged among the shrubs. Listening to themselves and nature. For hours, for days, for years.
Roberto animals and upland bird knows every species, every shift. Where they meet, where they eat, where they grow.
Every shot is admiration for them.
Forty years of photos. Tells the plateau. Chronicles the life. The life of nature which becomes his life, reminding us that even our lives.
To this should be protected.
Exhibition curated byBusellato Antonio and Luca Benetti
Video Installation Fabio Coluccelli and Luca Benetti

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