Dal 27/7/2013 al 4/8/2013
View the rural community of Alto Vicentino: looks and Emotions, from 27 July to Asiago 4 August
G.A.L. Montagna Vicentina is organizing a photo exhibition of pictures of the 2° concorso fotografico "Il mondo rurale Alto Vicentino: looks and Emotions-montagna vicentina, a territory on the move, at the Regency Room the community Montana 7 Municipalities, from 27 July to 4 August from 9.30 a.m. - 12.30 / 16.00 - 19.00.
In addition to winning imageswill be exposed the other 24 photos deemed most significant among all those received.
The themes and categories
Theme: "Montagna Vicentina, a region on the move
Three categories, for photos in color or black and white:
To) The rural environment (patrimonio storico, artistico, ethno-cultural, social and natural territory of GAL)
B) tourism (festivals and events related to the territory of the lag)
C) Gli antichi mestieri (activities linked to rural tradition of the territory of the lag)
The prizes
Three Ipad 16 GB generation retina, one for each winner of the three categories.
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