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Walking the land of cheese" - Literary meeting with Alberto Marcomini in Asiago - 28 August 2019

Wednesday 28/8/2019 at 17:30
Camminare la terra dei formaggi - Marcomini

Alberto Marcomini presents his book to Asiago

On Wednesday 28 August 2019, Asiago is scheduled for an interesting cultural meeting with author and cheese expert Alberto Marcomini.

The writer, also known as "LordofCheese", will present his book "Walk the Land ofCheese" at the Central Stage of Asiago, at 5.30pm.

A"logbook of an Italian maitre fromager"all to discover!


"I started this book when I took my first steps in the world of cheese, to make the first trips between pastures and nits, meeting those who guard the treasures and traditions of our country. A book that never ended because every journey led to new discoveries, which I wanted to share with everyone, and the next day I was always waiting for a new journey. And so I kept taking notes in my notebook, and I filled many of them with notebooks in this long time. Finally, the time has come to unite everything in a real book that I have marked between stories, episodes and stories of travel between the regions of our country [...]. And I did it by describing the territory, nature, animals and telling the work of men and women, who every day face a thousand problems with passion and effort but the results of their commitment and sacrifice, their art, is the heritage of a civilization precious that it will never be extinguished [...]. But my journey will not end with this book, since i will have to do a lot more, always walking the land of cheeses." (The author).
Testimony by Davide Rampello and Gioacchino Bonsignore.

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