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Tullio Pericoli signs the San marino cancellation of the 50th Asiago Prize of Filatelic Art of Asiago

Published 15 Sep 2020 - 10.13

Annullo Asiago SanMarino 2020 Tullio Pericoli

A landscape of Tullio Pericoli illustrates thesan Marino Postal Cancellation for the Jubilee of the International Asiago Prize of Philatelic Art.
It is the homage that the artist of Colli del Tronto, who has moved to Milan for years, wanted to reserve forthe Oscar of philately.

Appreciated for the soft and dreamy hills, suburbs seen from above, valleys and woods laden with pathos metaphor of the entire expressive research of the painter also appreciated by collectors. For the four landscapes that on June 23, 2001 San Marino transformed into as many stamps called to celebrate the 17 centuries since the stonemason Marino, who escaped from Arbe around the mountain on Mount Titan, gathered the first community of what would become the Republic that bears its name and which has since remained free.

Through soft and dreamy atmospheres,Tullio Pericoli showed as many stages in the development of the Republic: full of trees in 301, at the time of its foundation; then just inhabited but already with the Towers on the tops of the mountain; then inhabited and, finally, as it appeared in the year one of the 2000s. With roads and expressways and a large population.

Fifteen years later, in 2016 the painter and designer depicted a child looking up, reinterpretation of the logo of the Meyer Children's Hospital flanked by the dates 1891-2016, which is on the 95 cents of Italy celebrating the inauguration, which took place 125 years earlier. With a few unmistakable traits Tullio Pericoli managed to grasp the essence of the Florentine structure. A result graphically appreciated also by the philaeists who, called through the specialized magazine "The Collector" to choose the best Italian stamp of 2016 converged their preferences precisely on the postal value card that emphasizes the beneficial institution wanted by Giovanni Meyer – a nobleman of Russian origin – to remember the disappearance, at a young age, of his wife Anna. She was shocked to see that sick children were treated in the same way as adults, without any distinction or respect for their particular needs.

In addition to the landscapes, Tullio Pericoli is also known and appreciated for his portraits. Among them are two by Ermanno Olmi, the great master of cinema who for over forty years has been part of the Judging College of the International Prize asiago of Filatelica Art.

The usual naturalistic annulment, designed by Roberta Barolo,with which Poste Italiane take part in the celebrations of the International Prize Asiago d'Arte Filatelica,while the philatelic exhibition of September 18 and 20,set up Sala della Regage, via Station 1, from the Philatelic and Numismatic Circle 7 Municipalities, (hours 10/12.30 -15/19) and all focused on the stamps that in these fifty years have entered their name in the golden book of the Prize.

Text by Danilo Bogoni

For information on the 2020 Philatelic Art Award, click on the 50th ASIAGO FILATELIC ART PREMIO

For times and dates of the Asiago Philatelic Exhibition click on ASIAGO FILATELIC MOSCOW

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