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Events in Asiago Plateau - Thursday 18 September 2014

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Total Events: 7

Excursion program SUMMER 2014 Alpine Lodge Bar-Plateau of Asiago 7 Comuni

Dal 10/5/2014 al 28/9/2014
Guided excursions
Excursion program SUMMER 2014 Alpine Lodge Bar-Plateau of Asiago 7 Comuni
SUMMER excursions programme 2014 Alpine Hut Bar, Asiago plateau 7 Comuni
The summer of 2014 Alpine Bar Hut of Puddle dantzler, Paris, has plenty of excursions and walks among the fresh and beautiful landscapes of theAsiago plateau 7 Comuni. The first event will be on Satu…
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Dal 1/7/2014 al 19/10/2014
Guided excursions
L'Associazione Guide Altopiano, per il mese di settembre e ottobre 2014 propone delle escursioni sull'Altopiano di Asiago. Le escursioni vi condurranno nei t …
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SPIT MIXED on the menu every Sunday at Ristorante Rifugio Val Formica

Dal 22/6/2014 al 26/10/2014
Food and Beverage
SPIT MIXED on the menu every Sunday at Ristorante Rifugio Val Formica
By popular demand, every Sunday the restaurant Rifugio Val Ant to top of Larches, Asiago plateau offers the mixed meat Skewer. A specialty that is added to our traditional dishes made from …
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BACCALÀ alla Vicentina EVERY FRIDAY-restaurant Al Maddarello, Asiago

Dal 8/8/2014 al 31/10/2014
Food and Beverage
BACCALÀ alla Vicentina EVERY FRIDAY-restaurant Al Maddarello, Asiago
The Restaurant at the Maddarello Hut to Asiago every Friday there will be the baccalà alla vicentina and an excellent mixed Grill of fresh fish. Alte …
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MIXED GRILL every day in the restaurant at the Maddarello Hut, Asiago 2014

Dal 1/9/2014 al 31/10/2014
Food and Beverage
MIXED GRILL every day in the restaurant at the Maddarello Hut, Asiago 2014
The Restaurant at the Maddarello Hut Asiago 's big news for the months of September and October 2014: every day can enjoy a delicious mixed Grill of meat (sausage, chops, tenderloin and pork ribs) wi…
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Mostra ferrovia Rocchette-Asiago STRADA DEL TRENINO, a Cesuna fino al 6/1 2015

Dal 5/7/2014 al 6/1/2015
Mostra ferrovia Rocchette-Asiago STRADA DEL TRENINO, a Cesuna fino al 6/1 2015
Sabato 5 luglio 2014 alle ore 20.30 presso la Sala Palladio (di fronte alla chiesa) a Cesuna di Roana, Altopiano di Asiago, è stata inaugurata la Mostra della ferrovia di montagna Rocchette-Asiago (c…
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Exhibition walk of faith in Veneto. The great Rogazione Asiago

Dal 4/9/2014 al 30/9/2014
Exhibition walk of faith in Veneto. The great Rogazione Asiago
Thursday, 4 September 2014 at 17.30 hours at the Prison Museum in Via Benedetto Cairoli to Asiago will take place the inauguration of the exhibition …
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Total Events: 7