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Meeting with the composer Fabio Vacchi at Asiago-ASIAGO FESTIVAL August 2018 2018-12

Sunday 12/8/2018 at 11:30
Lectures and Conventions
Asiagofestival 2018 - Incontro Fabio Vacchi

52nd Edition of ASIAGO FESTIVAL-August 2018

The 52nd Edition of "Asiago Festival" will be an opportunity to know the guest composer Fabio Vacchi.

Sunday 12 August 2018, in fact, at 11.30 hours there will be a meeting with renowned composer, at the Council Chamber of the Town Hall of Asiago.

An opportunity to learn about this "artist of note" and to talk about music, in a pleasant climate.



Sunday 12 August 2018, at 11.30 – ASIAGO- Council Chamber of City Hall

Meeting with the guest composer Fabio Vacchi


Fabio Vacchi is a well-known Italian composer.

After the G.B. Martini Conservatory of Bologna with Giacomo Manzoni and Tito Gotti, in 1974 he participated in courses of the Berkshire Music Center at Tanglewood (USA), where he won the Koussevitzky Prize in Composition.
In 1976 he got the first prize in the competition of composition "Gaudeamus" in the Netherlands with Les soupirs de Geneviève for 11 solo strings. That same year he composed the Symphony in four movements for the Venice Biennale, performed at Teatro La Fenice under the direction of Giuseppe Sinopoli.

In 1982 he debuted at the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino with Girotondo, continuing with the trip, La station thermale and Les oiseaux de passage.
In 1995 Vacchi has composed one of his most famous, Badlands di Sabbiuno, but it was in 2003 with the bed of history (libretto by Franco Marcoaldi and directed by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti) which was awarded the Abbiati prize.

The partnership with Marcoaldi were also born common land and Three Vigils, commissioned by the Salzburg Festival. Always in Salzburg, Mozart as part of the celebrations of 2006, took place the world premiere de the right harmony.

Vacchi was chosen with his opera Teneke (2007) for the exposure That's Opera, edited by Jean-Jacques Nattiez.

He has collaborated with various writers of the second half of the twentieth century, including Tonino Guerra and Giuseppe Pontiggia, Michele Serra, Aldo Nove and Yaşar Kemal, and with artists such as Arnaldo Pomodoro and Giulio Paolini.

With his work in cinema with Ermanno Olmirecords: with a part of imaginary places, merged in the soundtrack de the profession of arms, won the David di Donatello Award for best musician; wrote the scores for Centochiodi.

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