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Snowshoeing & dinner at the shelter 2015/16 Alpine winter Bar, Plateau

Dal 6/12/2015 al 28/3/2016
Eventi invernali 2015 Rifugio Bar Alpino

Snowshoeing with dinner at the shelter 2015/16 Alpine winter Bar, Asiago plateau

For the winter season 2015/2016 the Alpine Hut Bar, on theAsiago plateau, in collaboration with the Biosphaera Cooperative, offers snowshoeing combined with delicious dinners with friends.

The program provides for an output hike in company with a nature guide and dinner in a refuge. All tours are done with snow shoes, depending on snow conditions. The programs, therefore, may be subject to change.

The meeting place for all tours is in località Magnaboschi (Cesuna di Roana, Vicenza).

The tours are divided into 3 categories:


Meeting at 10.00hours, hike to easy fix with a difference in altitude of 100 m and lasting 3 hours.


Meeting at 15.00hours, Medium difficulty tour with a difference in altitude of 250 m and duration of 5 hours.


Meeting at 18.00hours, hike to easy fix with a difference in altitude of 100 m and lasting 3 hours.

For details and reservations, contact the Alpine Hut Bar, in collaboration with the Cooperative Biosphaera, pressing the buttons below.

The list of snowshoeing is listed at bottom of article.

All rights reserved.

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