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"Spring at the table" at the restaurant ALPS of Foza, April 23, 2016

Saturday 23/4/2016 at 20:00
Food and Beverage
Baccala con polenta alpi di foza

Spring at the table in plateau, Alps Restaurant Foza, Asiago plateau, April 23, 2016

Saturday 23 April 2016 at 20.00 at Restaurant Alps Foza appointment of those not to be missed, especially for food lovers: "Spring at the table," food and wine review on products of the spring season on theAsiago plateau.

The event, centred on the theme of spring, is the first of the Festival and will feature, to be precise, fresh, authentic local products that originate from the lands of the plateau and neighboring annexed terrirori as the dandelion , Asiago Conco saffron , the asparagus of Bassano, Rotzo potatoes , etc.

A dinner where the delights of meadows and forests ofAsiago plateau 7 Municipalities Meet the tastes of the Veneto plain.



Strudel to tarassacco and faith on cheese fondue Slappeur sheep slightly tartufata

- Bundle of asparagus of Bassano del Grappa


- flan herbs dandelion flowers and saffron sauce meadows of Altopiano di Asiago 7 Comuni, Bassano asparagus with Morels

- Orzotto to watercress and slice of char

-Garlic potato Dumplings and shrimp ragu Rotzo orsino


-Marano corn Polenta with Baccalà alla vicentina


-Surprises of dessert in a glass


-Bocara of Cash
-Vespaiolo di Breganze


Cost of dinner: 39.00 Euro
Dinner and overnight stay with breakfast: € 74.00

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