Dal 23/7/2014 al 21/8/2014
World War

To the CENTENARY of the GREAT WAR in order not to forget, from July 23 to August 21, 2014 to gallium, Asiago plateau
From Wednesday 23 July to Thursday 21 August 2014, on the occasion of the centenary of the great war, in the commune of Gallio held a series of events dedicated to the memory of the first world war.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Board room-20.45 Hour
The movie's vision of The 7 common today at a crossroads: towards an inexorable decline or breakthrough now. Edited by Roger Dal Molin
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Board room-20.45 Hour
Vision of documentary Asolone 1917-1918 – hell on that barren hill where thousands of soldiers lost their lives. Curated by Davide Pegoraro and Natalino Meneghin
Monday, August 4, 2014
Auditorium – Ore 20.45
Stories of the events of the first world war by historians David Garcia and Roger Dal Molin and songs of the voice of the Choir's Tesena Sandrigo. With the collaboration of Lori Pasquale
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Auditorium – Ore 20.45
1915 – 1918 impressions from the trenches: the war told by those who lived. Edited by Roger Dal Molin – readings of Elena Sartori
Friday, August 8, 2014
Auditorium – Ore 20.45
Vision of the documentary on the war you fools. Curated by Enrico Verra
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Auditorium – Ore 20.45
Presentation of the book By Libya to Ortigara-at war with the 6th Alpini Regiment. Edited by Paolo Pozzato and Roger Dal Molin
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Board room-20.45 Hour
The plateau and the preparations for the 1st World War. Organized by theAssociazione Guide Plateau
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Council Hall – 20.30 Hours
Presentation of the book: the departure for the profugato of Sergio Bonato and Nico Lobbia music and slide shows
from Saturday 2 to Sunday August 10, 2014
Council Hall
War memorabilia Exhibition in collaboration with theHistorical Cultural Association 7
Hours 10.30-12.30 | 16.30-19.30
Hours 10.30-12.30 | 16.30-22.00
All rights reserved.
Related events To the CENTENARY of the GREAT WAR lest we forget, Gallium 7/23/21/8