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Events in Asiago Plateau - Sunday 4 November 2012

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Total Events: 7

Party of national unity and ' of the armed forces, 4 novembre 2012

Sunday 4/11/2012 at 10:30
Party of national unity and ' of the armed forces, 4 novembre 2012
Party of national unity and ' of the armed forces, 93° Anniversary of the victory at Asiago Sunday November 4, 2012
Sunday November 4, 2012, at the municipality of Asiago located in Piazza Carli, you will hold 93° anniversary of victory. It is the feast of ' national unity and of the ...
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Oktober Ghel Fest Beer Festival in gallium, Sunday November 4, 2012

Sunday 4/11/2012 at 11:00
Oktober Ghel Fest Beer Festival in gallium, Sunday November 4, 2012
Oktober Ghel Fest-Beer Festival in gallium, Sunday November 4, 2012
Sunday November 4, 2012, Gallium, held the last night of ' Beer Festival, more commonly known as "Oktober Ghel Fest". Many evenings planned for this year, many ' the shows and bands that will alterna…
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Oktober Ghel Fest Beer Festival in gallium, from October 26 to November 4, 2012

Dal 26/10/2012 al 4/11/2012
Oktober Ghel Fest Beer Festival in gallium, from October 26 to November 4, 2012
Oktober Ghel Fest-Beer Festival in gallium, from October 26 to November 4, 2012
Return to Gallio, ' onthe Asiago plateau, the Beer Festival, more commonly known as Oktober Ghel Fest. The Pro Loco di Gallio has defined the program of the days this year; the festival will take pla…
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Asiago Sheepdog Trials 1, 2, 3, November 4, 2012 in Asiago

Dal 1/11/2012 al 4/11/2012
Asiago Sheepdog Trials 1, 2, 3, November 4, 2012 in Asiago
Asiago Sheepdog Trials 1, 2, 3, November 4, 2012 in Asiago
Come to Asiago the discipline of Sheepdog! The ' initiative, Asiago Sheepdog Trials, to be held on days 1, 2, 3, November 4, 2012 in Via Gaiga in Asiago. The race is organized by Vanessa from the Val…
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' Art Masterpieces of Rembrandt, Dali, Picasso, Chagall and Veneti From ' White

Dal 9/6/2012 al 25/11/2012
' Art Masterpieces of Rembrandt, Dali, Picasso, Chagall and Veneti From ' White
' Art Masterpieces of Rembrandt, Dali, Picasso, Chagall and Veneti From ' White Goose, Ciardi, Luigi Nono, Favretto, Borsato, widow, from 9 June to Asiago November 25, 2012
The Pro Loco Asiago and Sasso, in collaboration with the Municipality of Asiago, offers from 9 June to November 25 ...
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Autumn meetings press Cesuna di Roana cineforum, every Tuesday in October

Dal 2/10/2012 al 27/11/2012
Autumn meetings press Cesuna di Roana cineforum, every Tuesday in October
Autumn meetings-press Cesuna di Roana cineforum, every Tuesday in October and November
Autumn is dedicated to cinema at the Palladium Theatre in Cesuna. At the behest of theDepartment of tourism and culture and in concert with theGallium Filmfestival cultural association, in fact, star…
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Autumnal Music Festival 2012, Asiago

Dal 2/11/2012 al 29/12/2012
Autumnal Music Festival 2012, Asiago
Autumnal Music Festival 2012, Asiago Fans of classical music, during the months of November and December, will enjoy to Asiago a musical review of high level, which involves 5 appointments really are…
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Total Events: 7